Sunday, July 16, 2006


I'm feeling so nostalgic lately.

It's a strange, happy-yet-melancholy sort of feeling.

Not so much that I want to go back to being a teenager, but that I miss some of the simplicity, some of the possibilities, some of the things you just look forward to. I still have plenty of that now, but for some reason, I hear an eighties song and all of a sudden, I'm 16 again, ready to go to work at the bathing suit store in the mall.

I need to appreciate this mood for what it is, thank it, and move on. It's not good to linger.

Although I do miss those eighties songs.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Oh, no!!! Clouds!!!

So this has nothing to do with life as a DINK or otherwise, but it's one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time. It was one of those things that made it's way around my office in a sort of Doppler effect, where one group of desks would start playing it, then you'd hear another one a few seconds later, and so on.

Seriously. This thing kills me. I'm still laughing after seeing it dozens of time.

This is really why the Internet was invented, wasn't it?

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Welcome to Tales from DINKland!

What is a DINK, you ask? Simply put, it's short for Double-Income-No-Kids. It's a married couple that has not yet procreated.

Through the more complex, realistic lens, DINKs are child-fearing, in-law-confounding, sleep-loving creatures who have not yet made the perilous leap to parenthood.

Perhaps they're afraid of change. Perhaps they're set in their ways. Perhaps they just haven't figured out what in heaven's name a "binkie" is yet. Whatever it is, they are two people making one life together, watching all those around them add a third, fourth or (gasp) fifth. And they wonder if they should ever jump on that bandwagon.

Or not.

We'll see.

Welcome to stretch of road between Wedding Lane and Kid Central. Welcome to DINKland.